We are holding a one-day jury research project in Cambridge, OH
Pay is $200 (paid in cash at the end of the session).
Lunch will be provided.
This session involves hearing about an actual, local legal case and sharing your thoughts and reactions to what you hear throughout the day. Your feedback will help determine how the case is presented to a jury at trial. You will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement and will not be able to discuss details of the case with others.
No experience required, we are just trying to get honest feedback/reactions from participants when presented with details about a legal matter - to get a feel for how a jury might react to the information. If interested and available on one of the dates listed, please fill out the form below.
We will be contacting selected participants 1-2 business days prior to answer questions, confirm your availability, and share exact location details. We will not be sharing your information with others or using it for any other purpose.